Adhesive / Adhésife
SKU #0504
- Bonding Agent for EasySoft liner™
- Close the bottle immediately after use / Refermez le contenant immédiament après l’usage.
- Made in Germany
- Instructions for use / Mode d’emploi
- 10 ml Easy Soft liner adhesive / adhésif
- It is strongly suggested to adhere to the instructions for applying the patented EasySoft liner™ adhesive (bonding agent) exactly to ensure optimum bonding to the denture base material.
- The chemical reaction, which occurs during this important step is one of the keys to EasySoft liner™ success.
- The first application of adhesive (bonding agent) is needed to react with the base material. Brush on adhesive where EasySoft liner™ material is desired.
- The adhesive needs 30 seconds to penetrate the acrylic surface./L’adhésif requiert 30 secondes pour pénétrer la surface de l’acrylique.
- The second application of adhesive is applied to ensure that a complete layering of the adhesive is on the acrylic base material and permits optimum bonding of EasySoft liner™ material. Allow adhesive to dry for the full 2 minutes. DO NOT BLOW DRY.
- Il est fortement suggéré de suivre les instructions à la lettre quant à l’application de l’adhésif breveté EasySoft linerMD optimal entre le matériau et la base de la prothèse.
- La réaction chimique qui se produit pendant cette étape est une partie clef de la réussite avec l’utilisation de EasySoft linerMD.
- La première application de l’adhésif doit bien réagir avec la base de la prothèse.
- La deuxieme application permet d’assurer un recouvrement complet de la base acrylique, ce qui permet d’assurer un lien optimal entre celle-ci et le matériau EasySoft linerMD. Permez l’adhesife pour secher popur 2 minuit. N’est pas utiliser la Blow Dryer pour secher.
Karlin Dental Distributors:
Call Us: ( +1 ) 877 922 2622
Email Us: easysoftliner@gmail.com
Central Dental Ltd.
Toll-Free: 1-800-268-4442
Phone: 416-694-1118
Fax: 416-694-1071
Zahn Canada, A Division of Henry Schein
Toll-Free: 1-800-496-9500
Fax: 1-800-496-9500
Lab Depot Ltd
Phone: 204-953-1222
Unique Dental Supply Inc.
Phone: 905-532-0554
Toll-Free: 1-888-532-0554
Westan Dental Products Group
Toll-Free: 1-800-661-7429

Are All Soft Lining Denture Materials Created Equal?
EasySoft does not contain ethyl alcohol or debutyhlphatale. EasySoft will remain permanently soft and will not crack after years of wear. The closed surface structure of EasySoft prevents the build-up of candidas albicans on the tissue bearing surface. This problem has plagued the soft lining industry, until now.